Friday, December 23, 2011

10 ways to make 2012 a better year

1. Don't worry, be app-y
There are so many little technological wonders that can make your life easier next year. Whether you're trying to save money, want to learn a new skill or simply like playing games when you're bored, there's an App for you!
2. Cook up a storm
Preparing meals from scratch may help you discover your inner Curtis Stone AND will drastically improve your diet. Make sure you regularly drink water and eat fruit and veg, protein (eggs), iron (steak), omega oils (fish) and wholegrains.
3. Be positive
We're not telling you to jump for joy every five seconds, but throwing a little bit of optimism at things you do goes a long way. In 2012, start each morning by reading an affirmation card. Don't expect bad things to happen and avoid looking for negatives at every opportunity.
4. Turn off the TV
Too many of us spend every spare moment gawping at the gogglebox. Why not read a book, play cards, or (shock horror!) have a chat instead?
5. Get on the map
Do you talk of seeing the world but never even manage a local camping trip? Bring your travelling dreams to life by sticking colourful flags on the places you want to visit on a world map and aim to head to one of your dream destinations by the end of the year.
6. Rock the stock
If you want to invest a little bit of cashola, make sure you buy stocks that pay dividends.
7. Step outside
In 2012, regularly head to the beach for a walk, a run, a swim, yoga, surfing or paddle-boarding and make the most of this wonderful climate we live in.
8. Give up the grapple
Most of the hurt, bitterness and anger in the world stems from people clinging to past problems. The more you dwell on them, the worse you will feel. Let go of your historic moans and groans and move on. Nothing can hurt you now!
9. Baddie buddies
Whether your toxic relationship is with a friend, family member, lover or colleague, you must get rid of any negative people in your life. Make 2012 the year for surrounding yourself with those who love you and want what is best for you and give them the same support back.
10. Goodie two shoes
There are so many ways to do something good next year. Be a more conscientious recycler, volunteer at your local homeless shelter, donate money to charity, walk your elderly neighbour's dog. Goodness does wonders for your soul.

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